Rules and Regulations
Classroom Regulation
Each teacher establishes classroom rules at the onset of the school year. It is policy that students are not allowed to wear hats, chew gum, or eat any food as well as conduct disruptive behavior in the classroom. Students may not leave their seats during class without the teacher’s permission. A student must wait for the teacher to exit the classroom before going out. A student will be assigned a seat at the beginning of the year; without the knowledge of the homeroom teacher, no student is allowed to change his/her seat. Toilet and wash area privileges must be respected and kept to a minimum. After break, lunch and PE times, students must line up before entering the class.
School Rules
The rules fall under the 5 headings underlined below. Whilst the rules listed are the desired outcomes it is with guided discussion that the class should formulate them to provide the ownership at the beginning of each year and be revised through the year.
Learning Rule
- Be considerate of others
- Be prepared with equipment
- Complete tasks to the best of your ability
- Listen carefully to tasks directions
- Put your hand up for assistance
- Be responsive to the noise meter
Movement Rule
- Move quietly in lines from place to place in the school
- Sit with legs crossed on the floor
- Assemble promptly and in a considerate manner at bell times.
Talking Rule
- One speaker at a time
- Raise your hand if you wish to speak
- Be aware of noise meter
- Listen carefully to the speaker
- Have good manners and be polite
Safety Rule
- Handle and use equipment correctly
- Respect others rights to be safe all the time
- If you can’t solve a problem ask for teacher assistance
- Use furniture correctly
- Stay within playground boundaries
- Play safely
Caring rule
- Have good manners and be polite
- Be considerate of others’ feelings
- Respect other people’s rights without interference
School Discipline
The staff at Bright Future School believes that positive school discipline is an interactive process involving the students, the school, the home, and the entire school community. By working together, we can build a community which puts children first in order to create a better tomorrow for everyone.
Behavior Expectations for All Students
Students are expected to demonstrate respect for the school and community. This includes teachers, educational assistants, ground workers, custodians, classmates, other students and the school building and materials. Students must obey and follow the rules of the school to assure a smooth environment. Students are expected to conduct themselves in such a manner as to respect each other’s life, space and the right to learn.
Positive school behavior
Students need to enhance the fundamental human rights to feel safe, to be treated with dignity, to learn, play and develop without intimidation or harassment.
To guide students towards acceptable behavior we need to:-
- have clear, positively expressed classroom rules that are enforceable;
- consequences that are reasonable and known in advance;
- Be assertive and non-confrontational avoiding sarcasm, put-downs etc. Use a 'discipline language' under emotional pressure.
- Have a least-to-most intrusive hierarchy of interventions.
There are two types of offences.
Level 1 Offences: are considered actions that students need to work through to improve their behavior.
1. Class cutting/leaving without permission
2. Disruptive behavior
3. Insubordination
4. Abusive/profane language
5. Incomplete homework and assignment
6. Bringing prohibited items to school (phones, toys, weapons, games, music/video players, electronics and the like)
Level 2 Offences: are described as actions that will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
1. Fighting
2. Threats/Harassment
3. Theft
4. Vandalism
5. Weapons of any sort
6. Other such behavior·
Further regulations and policies shall be released may the need to do so arise.
Disciplinary Measures Procedure
In order to achieve a high standard of teaching and a high level of absorption of knowledge by children, a teaching-learning process should not be interrupted by such actions of students that are irrelevant to and interfering with this process. That is the reason our school has developed a step-by-step procedure to prevent disciplinary violation by students and to teach them to adopt an exemplary conduct at school. To the children that break discipline in a classroom or on a school compound these measures will be applied:
a. warning by a teacher
b. punishment by standing in a classroom
c. complaint by the teacher to the homeroom teacher-homeroom teacher has a discussion with the child about his/her conduct
d. the child is warned by the director
e. the warning notice is sent to the parents; the child should bring a signed notice to the office
f. the child is suspended from the school for two days
g. the child is suspended from school for a week
h. the child is suspended from the school for two weeks
i. the parents with the child are invited to the meeting of a disciplinary committee headed by the director for a discussion and a last warning
j. the child is expelled from the school irrevocably Please, discuss the discipline matter with your child and try to advice him/her about the necessity of a good behavior at the school.